okay .
I have just watched this I WANNA BE FAMOUS on MTV where stupid guys and girls wanna look like celebrities !
Thus , they go through anything to look like their favorite celeb and thats like plastic surgery and all that jazz .
So I have watched two episodes and got grossed out !
One was about this girl who wants to look like BRITNEY SPEARS !
What she wants to do is ;
- BOTOX(i thing)
Not only that she went to take pole dancing lessons to be a striper in a night club !
They showed how the surgeons do all this plastic surgery ! Like a boob job for example , they cut off the nipples and stuffed silicon or whatever through that NIPPLE !
I`ll die screaming of PAIN .
Then the nose , they poked their hands up her nose and made the nose hole BIGGER and then stuffed tubes up it and reshaped the nose .
ew .
The botox I couldn't bear to watch .
It took her 6 weeks to heal !
Stupid blonde .
Then they showed this another girl who also wanted to look like Britney and went through plastic surgery and did her boobs .
For a month it went well but after that her boobs were SUPER soar and thus the doctor took it out and she WAS boob-less !!
Totally no boobs .
After so , she went to put it back !
The next morning , she felt better but when she looked into the mirror she realized that her left boob was smaller than her RIGHT !
And the doctor had to do more readjustments !!
omg , clearly all this surgery cost more than a GUCCI bag !
In and out of the surgery room !
So back to that other girl , she still went through the surgery and made her boobs SUPER LARGE .
probably before , her breast was like a C-cup but NOW , its more like a Z-cup or something !
After getting her boobs and stuff , she went to pole dancing and got a fcuking certificate for it .
Then , one night she drove to the strip club .
But she must realize shes been a total WHORE and TOTAL DUMB , she drove back home .
BUT NOW , shes making a port folio to be a model in PLAYBOY !
What the hell is wrong with this blonde ?
What is the media turning people into ?
tsk .
oh anyway , i wanna see my celeb lookalike HAHA .
I look NOTHING like them , they're like Jap and Korean people !
haha .
omg now , I wanna go through plastic surgery !
BOOHOO what a peer pressure.
omg , i found a SUPER hot guy .