liar yet a beautiful gift HAHA

i hate blogskins for now . :(

Monday, January 28, 2008

credits to diana for this pic lah :D
your asian idol celebrates his birthday today ! :D
28 January .

May your name go down in history , and marry me !
Wtf .
Wishing him all the best for his World Tour and 2nd album ! :D
Good Luck HADY!
No matter what they say , you know we ,Hapyhadys, are always behind you and supporting you all the way.
Without you there`ll be no HapyHadys right?
I know words dont bring you down , and thats what I admire about you.
Despite the fact you made it big, you`re still as humble as ever!
Hady Mirza , your Asian Idol! :D
I know some Asians still cannot accept the fact that you`re the Asian Idol yet we still can and always will!
Thank you for showing to whole of Asia (maybe not whole) that despite our size we still achieved something big!
See you this SATURDAY!
(thanks to you,i`m skipping MADRASAH OKAY ?!)
28th birthday, still young babey!
Still young.
Happy Birthday once again
(too bad I didnt stalk you!:p)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

this coming MONDAY!

Lets wake up on 28ofJAN and flunked school !
we can rush to hady`s house and sing him a BIRTHDAY SONG OKAY OKAY?
its a surprise no other idol got .
(well,i think)

28 still young! STILL YOUNG OKAY !!
shut up you anti takde kerja lain except criticizing hady ,must be a JOY for you right?
cause you feel that you`re too ugly to even step out of your house.
oh how sad ?

ya ya wtv.

my couch was hot.
mr biceps do come back . we miss you tons (well,atleast me !) heh.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just now I stayed back after my embarrassing *being MC of the day crap*
So what if they jeered ( well i think they did :D) ?
Then waited for the O level results!
okay some cried and others did well .
But those who cried actually to me has quite good marks TOO!
Made me realize HOW important maths is.

Better buck up bongkets!

and guess who has been growing his biceps?
no , its not mr iskandar! :D
You make me wanna drop You're so ridiculous I can barely stop I can hardly breathe You make me wanna scream You're so fabulous,

damn , growing biceps are hot okay ?
and again our picture , i look fugly and stupid.
Damn i can never look nice in pictures with him. either my nose is too big or my body is just erghh..

okay dont got puking at my face !

Damn i know i look gross but thank god its a picture lah xD
I can say that Fiza is pro taking pic with hyrul loh ! hahahahaha . she always looks good ;)

i know you guys are sick and tired of me talking about hady .
thus, i made a change .
anyway , hyrul wont read my blog thus he wont know what kind of crap I write about him AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

oh i talked to indra finallllyyy but he wont tell me his points lah .
so takpe .
another guy maybe.
next year
the one with that butt ,
he better tell me his points!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mr Tan made us watch this movie titled 'Earthquake'
I wont tell you what its about cause I am lazy :D
So I`ll just copy and paste from a website;

A nuclear power plant in the Russian countryside is threatened when a powerful earthquake starts a series of fires around the plant's core. Realizing the resulting meltdown will cause an explosion more devastating than an atomic bomb, engineer Josh (Fintan McKeown) races against time to save not only the plant, but also his wife and children, who are trapped in a nearby subway tunnel. Andrew Lee Potts, Patrick Dreikauss and Lydie Denier also star.

Anyway theres this HOT DUDE playing DYLAN and DAMN is he hot or what!
Sadly though,Google doesnt have his pics!

he so fair :D
HADY I'M TAN !!!!!! PICK ME !!!!!!
his birthday is coming soon in another 5 more days!
five more fcking days!
The Government should make Hady`s birthday a HOLIDAY for his fans cause he MADE singapore PROUD okay?
talent people!
oh get the latest issue of MANJA !~
Hady is the Cover Story lah sey!~
and Hady is hot!

its called hady fever.
shake those bonanas baeba!


and yes i hate her with ALL my heart, wanna fight? come ah! I poke you breast with pin probably it burst with only air shoozzzinng out. no-breast much?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh god !
Lily Allen had a miscarriage!!
poor babe!
She was really looking forward to the lifeform she will be bringing to the world.
I dont think she deserve this.
But who am I to say?
Try again maybe?

Phatt Bastard A.K.A Bulu Ketiak

He is the only one who understands me and never gets angry with me, despite the fact that I always bully him.
Such a forgiving soul.

his bdae is NEXT WEEK! :D
27 year old HADY!
another 3 years , he`ll be 30 !!
so young lah tu.




anyway , hady is hot AND he likes tan girls with long hair! :D
he doesnt like fair girls!
im kinda tan and my hair is EXCEPTIONALLY long right ?
and MnM(diff from FARAH!)`s butt is hot!
i just realized that!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

went to Johor yesterday and ate like nobody`s business.
then i saw :D
and no its not M .

i kept it cool i think didnt go crazy .
for the first time in my history of being a lunatic .
whatever he may think, i know i did my best not to be crazy.
and i`m proud of me self.
he also couldn't be bothered with my existence.

one advice dude,you`re smart continue your studies instead.

sinaran hati was good.
got all angry for awhile after the show cause people dont see that you`re just as important as they are.
yet , they still love themselves.
i mean , whats the point of being in that club when you cant even be WITH the club ?
what is soooo special about them?
ehh i have been with the club for god-knows how many donkey years and this is how we got treated?
thanks now i know how a donkey I have been for the past years listening to their orders!
just because i`m under 18 and they are like whooooAaaaa! huge booobs and everything.
im still very pissed with the way i was treated .
i dont expect them to kiss my tits or something.
just make me feel belong?
nevermind to them . who am i to them?
some worthless piece of crap i suppose who is stupid and shouldnt be treated a club member.
god knows how i can still tolerate being a piece of shit.

sorry but I am really pissed and I need to rant out my feelings, if you dont let me then fly off.
my blog. i dont regret.
it has got nothing to do with Sinaran Hati.

8 more days to HADY`S BIRTHDAY Y`ALL!
and stop comparing him with taufik.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

So is that how ?
If I come back late and night one day , you`ll accused blindly that I slept with some guy ?
Thanks for predicting my future.


i achieved something i never thought i`ll ever achieve lah !
i talked to :D
i have never talked to :D
oh :D

im having beejeevies

Friday, January 11, 2008

the call :D

  • I failed maths test and I`m failing it again!
  • POA brings me to sleep
  • I cant stay awake in class for at least 5 minutes.
  • I am not losing weight
like wth ,

okay anyway I seriously cant be bothered to update my blog and I bet you guys cant be bothered to read anyway!

Yesterday`s CCA fair was fun.
Shouting and screaming and shouting again
Oh and theres that performance which WOW-ed nobody.
And seeing *you-know-who* back in school for like 3 hours was pain .
Cause I have to smile first then you smile ?
And I dont like Mmmm.

i have HADY to think about day and night :D

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

oh oh watch this! ITS HADY Y'ALL!!
and you`ll see him blowing the kiss that melted hahhahahahaha.
get it?
no ?

okay its the FIRST day of school and I already have homework to finish!
and ALL the teachers love the word punctuality
and i fell asleep during POA cause the teacher is BOOORRRIIIINNNNGGGG!
oh where , oh where has Mr Iskandar gone too ?

i miss hakim and syafiq and ardy hahaha.
stupid assholes.
let 3/4 rock !